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Getting the Most Out of EBT the Next Generation

If past attendance figures are a prologue to the future, about half of all EBT the Next Generation attendees this year will be attending their first NextGen. For first time conference attendees and anyone else who drops by we offer a 30 minute orientation session scheduled at 12 O’clock Monday, November 6th. 

If you are planning to attend your first EBT Rodeo this coming November, we will welcome you at this session.

The purpose of the session is to help you get the most out of the conference. The purpose of this email is to provide some early guidance on the orientation session so that you can be more productive from the time you arrive at the hotel.

As always, EBT professionals with hands-on experience will conduct all sessions with the emphasis on practical information.

The most important information that the orientation session will cover is how NextGen is organized. We begin the content with 4 workshops. These are 1) A primer on how EBT works; 2) Readying your EBT system for a natural disaster or shutdown; 3) Successfully implementing WIC EBT; and 4) The details of implementing an EBT system with SNAP and TANF benefits.

Following the workshops, we launch into 4 plenary sessions and 10 breakout sessions, covering diverse topics that include mobility, data mining, and the future of EBT.  The breakouts also include an update by FNS on some of the hottest issues confronting EBT practitioners, including mobility, Internet shopping, SNAP rules, procurements, and conversions

We also will have 2 EBT roundtables, one SNAP/Cash-centric and the other WIC-facing. In these relaxed settings EBT professionals can exchange opinions on a variety of issues facing the EBT community.

Also on tap are 2 technology showcases featuring demos and discussion of the newest gismos and ideas available to EBT programs.

In addition, spread throughout the conference agenda is over 10 hours of networking time with your fellow attendees and industry vendors.