The State of Working Moms
With Mothers Day fast approaching, examining how working moms fare from state-to-state is a timely exercise. According to WalletHub moms who are the sole support of their families make up almost three-quarters of all working women.
WalletHub offers the following state-by-state analysis of conditions for working moms.
Best States for Working Moms
North Dakota
New Jersey
Worst States for Working Moms
New Mexico
South Carolina
Comparing states based on issues of concern for working moms
Day Care
The survey rated New York as having the highest day care quality, 5 times better than Idaho, the state rated the worst for day care quality.
WalletHub rates Mississippi as having the lowest child care costs as a share of the median women’s salary, 12 percent. This is twice as low as Florida, the state with the highest. WalletHub estimates that in the Sunshine State child care consumes 27 percent of the median women’s salary.
Medical Care
The District of Columbia has nearly 50 pediatricians per 100,000 residents. This is almost 18 times the ratio in Wisconsin, the state will the fewest, less than 3 per 100,000 residents.
The District of Columbia has the highest ratio of female executives to male executives, at just under 66. This is about 3 times more than the mark in Utah, the state with the lowest ratio of female to male executives, just under 26.
Maryland has the lowest percentage of single-mom families with minor children in poverty. At 26 percent, Maryland’s marker is about half that of Mississippi, the state with the highest percentage at nearly 52 percent.
Virginia sets the mark for the highest inflation-adjusted median women’s salary at nearly $45,500. This is two times higher than in Hawaii the state with the lowest, at less than 23,000.
The state with the lowest female unemployment rate is North Dakota. Its unemployment rate of just under 3 percent is about one-third that of the District of Columbia, the place with the highest woman unemployment rate at almost 8.5 percent.
For the full report, visit